The tests are an implementation of the main tests documented by the Fix folks. You can start up the Acceptor in the sackfixexamples and then run the tests - using sbt.

The code is all on GitHub: PendaRed /sackfixtests

How to run it

cd into the base dir of the project

Expected output

> test
[info] Compiling 39 Scala sources to C:\all_dev\sackfix\sackfixtests\sf-fix-tester\target\scala-2.11\test-classes...
[info] T14_h_DuplicateTag:
[info] Receive application or administrative message
[info] - should Send message with missing value
[info] T4_b_SendThemTestReqSpec:
[info] Send heartbeat message
[info] - should If send a test request expect heartbeat reply
[info] T2_q_InvalidMessageType:
[info] Receive Message Standard Header
[info] - should Reject invalid message type
[info] T10_2_ReceiveSeqResetSeqGapFillDupLowerSpec:
[info] Receive SequenceReset Message
[info] - should If msgSeq<expected and poss dup ignore
[info] T2_d_GarbledMessage:
[info] Receive Message Standard Header
[info] - should Garbled message ignored
[info] T2_t_BadHeaderOrder:
[info] Receive Message Standard Header
[info] - should Reject a message where first three tags are not as expected
[info] T1S_d_BadLoginMsgSpec:
[info] Receive Logon message
[info] - should send a logout and close socket
[info] SackFixTestSpec:
Very slow test, waiting 22 seconds for heartbeat to arrive
Very slow test, waiting another 6 seconds for testreq to arrive
[info] T6_a_NothingReceivedForHeartbeatPlus20Spec:
[info] Send test request
[info] - should No data received during heartbeat interval
[info] T1B_c_ExpectLoginResponseSpec:
[info] Connect and send logon message
[info] - should Valid Logon message as response is received
[info] T1B_e_FirstMessageNotLoginSpec:
[info] Connect and send logon message
[info] - should Receive any message other than a Logon message
[info] T11_c_ReceiveSeqResetSeqTooLowSpec:
[info] Receive SequenceReset Message
[info] - should Reset the sequence number!
Very slow test, waiting 22 seconds for heartbeat to arrive
[info] T4_a_NoHeartbeatInIntervalSpec:
[info] Send heartbeat message
[info] - should If nothing sent for heartbeat then expect them to send one
[info] T2_e_SeqNumLowDupFlagGoodTimes:
[info] Receive Message Standard Header
[info] - should Message has low seq num and poss dup flag=y with correct times, ignore it as dup.
[info] T14_d_MissingValue:
[info] Receive application or administrative message
[info] - should Send message with missing value
[info] T2_i_BadBeginString:
[info] Receive Message Standard Header
[info] - should Bad begin Str, so logout
[info] - should Bad begin Str and close socket after 2 secs
[info] T14_i_RepeatingGroupCount:
[info] Receive application or administrative message
[info] - should Send message with bad repeating group count
[info] T2_o_SendingTimeOut:
[info] Receive Message Standard Header
[info] - should check the clock is within 2 mins
[info] T13_b_LogoutFromClient:
[info] Receive Logout message
[info] - should ClientLogoutSequence
[info] T1B_d4_BadCompIdSpec:
[info] Connect and send logon message
[info] - should Invalid Logon message is received - BadCompIds Close the socket
[info] T2_g_PossDupFlagMissingOrigSendingTime:
[info] Receive Message Standard Header
[info] - should PossibleDupFlag=Y but origSendingTime is missing
[info] T8_ResendRequestSpec:
[info] Receive Reject Message
[info] - should Send them a valid reject message
[info] T2_f_SeqNumLowDupFlagBadTimes:
[info] Receive Message Standard Header
[info] - should a message has low seq num and poss dup flag=y, and origsendtime>send time, disconnect
[info] - should logon has low seq num and poss dup flag=y, disconnect and close socket after 2 secs
[info] T10_4_ReceiveSeqResetSeqGapFillSpec:
[info] Receive SequenceReset Message
[info] - should Reset the sequence number!
[info] T10_3_ReceiveSeqResetSeqGapFillLowerSpec:
[info] Receive SequenceReset Message
[info] - should If msgSeq<expected and NOT poss dup disconnect
[info] T14_f_ValueBadFormat:
[info] Receive application or administrative message
[info] - should Send message with missing value
[info] T7_RejectHandledSpec:
[info] Receive Reject Message
[info] - should Send them a valid reject message
[info] T2_m_GarbledBodyLen:
[info] Receive Message Standard Header
[info] - should Bad compIds, so reject and logout
[info] T3_b_GarbledChecksum:
[info] Receive Message Standard Trailer
[info] - should Garbled message ignored
[info] T11_a_ReceiveSeqResetSeqSpec:
[info] Receive SequenceReset Message
[info] - should Reset the sequence number!
[info] T2_k_BadCompId:
[info] Receive Message Standard Header
[info] - should Bad compIds, so reject and logout
[info] T2_c_SeqNumLowDupFlag:
[info] Receive Message Standard Header
[info] - should logon has low seq num and poss dup flag=y, disconnect
[info] T10_1_ReceiveSeqResetSeqGapFillHigherSeqNumSpec:
[info] Receive SequenceReset Message
[info] - should If msgSeq>expected then gap fill
[info] T2_b_SeqNumResend:
[info] Receive Message Standard Header
[info] - should accept first message and then resend request
[info] T1S_a_LoginResendRequestSpec:
[info] Receive Logon message
[info] - should Receive a logon and a resend request
[info] T1S_c_BadCompIdSpec:
[info] Receive Logon message
[info] - should Close the socket
[info] T1S_b_LoginTwiceSpec:
[info] Receive Logon message
[info] - should 2nd Logon should just get socket closed
[info] T14_b_MissingMandTag:
[info] Receive application or administrative message
[info] - should Send message with missing mand tag
[info] T3_e_GarbledChecksumBadLen:
[info] Receive Message Standard Trailer
[info] - should Garbled checsum of 2 chars ignored
[info] Run completed in 1 minute, 32 seconds.
[info] Total number of tests run: 40
[info] Suites: completed 39, aborted 0
[info] Tests: succeeded 40, failed 0, canceled 0, ignored 0, pending 0
[info] All tests passed.
[success] Total time: 99 s, completed